FY2021 The University of Tokyo UGIP Global Workshop on Thinking About International Activities to be held
The University of Tokyo Global Internship Program (UGIP) is a program newly launched in FY2019 to help students from the arts and humanities as well as the sciences to become global human resources able to thrive on the global stage.
This year’s Daikin Industries program will be held online through a collaborative program with the Tokyo College* via Zoom, as the FY2021 University of Tokyo UGIP Global Workshop on Thinking About International Activities, as an alternative format to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
This workshop, through sessions and group work, is intended to help students who are considering possible international careers in the future to reaffirm and make more concrete their own visions of what they would like to do internationally.
The participation of faculty members who would be able to advise on group work will be welcome.
* The Tokyo College was established in 2019 as an interface between the University of Tokyo and researchers and research institutions around the world.