Management Council Meeting Held on 30-31 Oct. 2021 under the Daikin-UTokyo Collaboration Agreement
The DAIKIN-UTokyo Lab. holds a management council meeting once a year to discuss activities conducted in accordance with the corporate-university relations agreement.
The FY2021 meeting was held on 30 and 31 October at Daikin’s Ales Aoya Global Training Center (Tottori City), as a hybrid meeting also attended by online participants. A total of 74 people, namely 18 members of the management council, 30 presenters, steering committee members and observers attended in person, while a further 26 presenters, steering committee members and observers who participated online, attended the meeting and engaged in lively discussions.
This year’s management council meeting marked the third anniversary of the signing of the university-corporate relations agreement in December 2018, which is valid for 10 years with the planned investment of approximately 10 billion yen. In addition to reviewing the collaboration activities of the past three years, serious discussions took place for a total of more than eight hours over the two days on issues that need to be addressed further as well as measures for further development to move into the new phase in the next fiscal year and beyond.
We are planning to publish information on the future collaboration activities and their outcomes on this website as it comes in. Please don’t miss more results from DAIKIN-UTokyo Lab. in the future.
Please click the following link to read the article on DAIKIN-UTokyo Lab.’s university-corporate relations agreement: